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Zhuhai to pioneer the way in handling digital tsunami

updated : 2017-10-13

A center to handle the overwhelming volume, variety, and velocity of digital information needed by "smart" cities and hi-tech companies, among many others, is to be established in Zhuhai.

The city's pioneer role in Guangdong Province is outlined in the recent Implementation Plan on Zhuhai Establishing a China National Big Data (Pearl River Delta) Comprehensive Pilot Zone. It states that the Zhuhai Big Data Center will come into operation by the end of 2020 as part of the national pilot.

The Big Data Center is expected to eventually cover government administrative services and industrial and livelihood statistics. Initially, it will concentrate on industrial incubation services for Zhuhai's Smart City program and provide an intelligent manufacturing technology platform as well as a Smart City-themed experience museum.

The intent is to speed up Zhuhai's capability of utilizing big data to expedite industrial development, according to a government official. As the plan comes into fruition, the delta's rich integrated data resources will be given full play.  


China National Big Data (PRD) Comprehensive Pilot Zone is to be built in Zhuhai. [File photo]

The city's long-term development goal calls for wide usage of big data to achieve precise social governance and equalized public services. Industrial advances including business model innovation in traditional fields, reform of corporate management, and transformation and upgrade of the manufacturing sector are among the targets. The city intends to develop an array of such demonstrative application projects and reach the top domestic competitive level within three years.

Also high on the agenda is to apply Zhuhai's innovation-driven development strategy to entrepreneurship and innovation practices being promoted nationwide. A big-data maker space is scheduled for the end of 2020. A pilot project demonstrating remarkable big data platform capabilities and a brand event promoting the city's innovative business environment are also planned.

In the meantime, Zhuhai will develop intelligent industries such as cloud computing in an industry cluster. The stipulations specify a state-level intelligent industry demonstration park, and require at least a provincial-level big-data industrial park by the end of 2020. By then, the base should have introduced or incubated three to five core enterprises and hatched eight to 10 startups. To achieve this, Zhuhai's focus will be on attracting giant enterprises for investment and leading projects.

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