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Specific targets for 2018 include 8.5% GDP growth

updated : 2018-01-17

Mayor Yao Yisheng, on behalf of the Zhuhai Municipal People's Government, delivered a work report setting goals and major tasks for 2018 during the 2nd Session of the 9th Zhuhai Municipal People's Congress.

In 2018, GDP is to grow by 8.5 percent; the value-added amount of industrial enterprises above designated size is to increase by 10.5 percent; total retail sales of consumer goods to rise by 11 percent; investment in fixed assets to escalate by 18 percent; foreign trade growth to remain positive; per capita disposable income of all residents to grow by 9 percent; and consumer price index and registered urban unemployment rates to be kept below 3 percent.

Meanwhile, energy conservation, emission reductions, carbon drops, and environmental water quality will meet provincial requirements.


2nd Session of 9th Zhuhai Municipal People's Congress [Photo by Zhao Zi / Zhuhai Daily]

Eight major tasks

Deepen supply-side structural reforms with investment of 78.5 billion yuan ($12.2 billion) earmarked to 411 key projects and at least 9 billion yuan ($1.4 billion) toward new industrial parks.

Accelerate construction of innovation-based city and creation of innovation high ground of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Increase the number of hi-tech enterprises to 1,550 and nurture two additional provincial new-type R&D institutions and 50 more provincial or higher-level innovation platforms.

Advance key-area reforms and enhance opening and cooperation; focus on shaping Hengqin as a high-grade portal of opening up and establishing a new pattern of cooperation in the Greater Bay Area era.

Push forward smooth traffic in town and fast access to outbound express roads. Construct a regional transport hub city, lobby to list Shenzhen-Zhuhai High Speed Railway on state and provincial plans, and commence construction of new Banzhang Mt Tunnel in first half of the year.

Implement a rural revitalization strategy and solve the problem of regional unbalanced and insufficient development. Help Doumen to build a demonstration zone of green food supply to Hong Kong and Macao.

Deepen construction of eco-civilization and create a Model City in Beautiful China with five municipal featured parks and more community parks, a 20-km fitness trail, and 30-km urban greenway, as well as upgrading 40-km boulevards.

Improve the safeguarding of livelihoods and strengthen people's sense of gain with emphasis on employment services and social security, education and public medical and health-care undertakings, and public cultural services.

Build a law-based, highly efficient, and clean government that satisfies people's needs, with in-depth reform of the "one door-one internet service pattern.

Ten livelihood projects

Traffic congestion on ten key sections such as intersection of Yanhe Road and Central Lovers Avenue, Zhuhai Avenue, and Ningxi and Guihua roads will be eased through renovations and construction of street-crossings.

Public transit will be actively developed with renewal of 753 traditional-energy buses and input of 400 all-electric buses, plus operation of ten additional bus routes.

Kindergarten enrollment will be increased with coverage of public-interest kindergartens reaching 80+ percent.

The sanitary level of urban main and secondary trunk roads and side streets will be improved.

Construction of indemnificatory housing will be quickened, targeting 1,140 apartments to be built and 1,600+ replacement apartments of shantytowns being renovated.

Public medical and health-care services will be boosted, represented by relocated construction of the Women’s & Children’s Hospital, and construction of the Zhuhai Chronic Disease Prevention & Control and the Western Medical Center.

Use of pipeline gas will be promoted. Planned are 40-km of gas pipelines and construction of public gas lines for 76,000 households in old residential areas.

Some 200 million yuan ($31.1 million) will be invested to improve disaster prevention, reduction, and rescue capabilities.

Sewage treatment for rehabilitation will be conducted based on a survey of drainage systems.

Renovation and improvement of 13 old residential areas will be carried out with upgrades to support facilities such as municipal utilities, public illumination, pavements, parking lots, and fire passages.



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