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Guilin Group leading the way in world-class tourism


Shen Guangming, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Guilin Tourism Co., Ltd., stated that Guilin Tourism Investment Group and GTC are leading enterprises in Guilin's tourism industry. They have achieved complementary advantages in resources, capital, and customer sources, and have created brands in the tourism market and occupy a pivotal position.  He is also deputy secretary of the Party Committee and vice chairman of GTIG.

In the face of the strong recovery of the cultural and tourism market and the booming demand in the inbound and outbound market, we have made advanced preparations and meticulous arrangements in both software and hardware. Firstly, we have upgraded the quality of tourism products. For example, the first five-star new energy luxury cruise ship on the inland river in Guangxi, "Guilin Tourism No.1," has been put into operation with overnight stays and high-end business activities on the Li River. We have promoted the development of high-end and differentiated tourism on the Li River. The Two River and Four Lakes Company has created personalized and distinctive products such as boat trips with "Li Sao culture and water-based non-legacy drama class" as the theme. "Mountain, Water, Electronic Music, Boat Party" is the theme of tourism + electronic music products, "Four Lakes Boat Banquet," boat wine tasting, and other products. The immersive digital cultural and tourism performance project "Jing SHOW · Vivid Lotus" constructed in the world's cave wonderland, Yinziyan Scenic Area, will also be presented to visitors in June this year.

Second, we have improved the quality of service. During the epidemic, we carried out training for employees and established a high-quality system. Taking advantage of the presence of foreign diplomats in China, the company will create a unique "Ambassador Cultural Tourism Route" for Guilin. We will warmly welcome tourists from all over the world with a new look, assume the responsibility and mission of being the vanguard and main force in the construction of Guilin as a world-class tourism city. 

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