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Guilin Promotes World Canal Conference at Lingqu Canal, Infusing New Vitality into Ancient Waterway



the Lingqu Canal [Photo provided bt Wang Zhanfei]

From June 2nd to 4th, Guilin city in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region held a media activity to conduct in-depth interviews and research on the Lingqu Canal. During the tour, Liu Jianxin, president of the Lingqu Canal Research Society, said that Guilin is bidding to host the World Canal Conference to further enhance the recognition of the Lingqu Canal.

In recent years, Guilin has intensified its efforts to preserve the Lingqu Canal. It has completed the reinforcement project for the large and small balance beams and the spillway beams. Additionally, significant dredging has been carried out on key sections of the canal head, as well as on the northern branch, and a 3.5-kilometer stretch of the southern branch from Nandou to Dawandou. A broad range of initiatives, such as enhancing security measures along the canal and the preventive conservation of cultural relics in the Lingqu Canal Museum, have been implemented, revitalizing the ancient waterway.

During the media tour, reporters visited Lingqu Scenic Area to see some of the restored balance beams. There, they witnessed water cascading down the dam, resembling a winding silver ribbon. Local residents and tourists enjoyed the scenery, some playfully wielding water guns while others took photographs to capture the joyful moments of their summer outing.

Historical records indicate that the Lingqu Canal was constructed in the 33rd year of Emperor Qin Shihuang's reign (214 BC). It connected the Xiangjiang River and the Lijiang River, enabling the connection between the Yangtze River system and the Pearl River system. It has been praised as the "Pearl of Ancient Hydraulic Engineering" and was successfully listed as a World Irrigation Heritage site in 2018.

Guilin has established the Lingqu Canal Museum and has been promoting the application of the Lingqu Canal as a World Cultural Heritage site and a national water conservancy heritage site. Research on its historical functional value, such as its connection to the Belt and Road Initiative, has been strengthened. The goal is to breathe new life into the thousand-year-old canal and make it an important showcase of Guilin's cultural heritage to the world.

Liu said that hosting the World Canal Conference at the Lingqu Canal offers unique advantages. "As an ancient canal, the Lingqu Canal still serves some of its original functions, such as irrigation, flood control, and ecological water replenishment. During its construction, the canal utilized techniques such as curved gates, steep gates, and balance beam weirs to ensure smooth navigation and automatic flood discharge, showcasing the wisdom of our ancestors. Nowadays, as Guilin strives to become a world-class tourist city, it provides strong support for hosting such a conference," said Liu.

In the future, Guilin will continue to deepen the restoration and improvement of the Lingqu Canal Heritage Area and its surrounding environment. Protection and restoration work will be conducted on the cultural sites and architectural remains in the vicinity of the canal. Following the UNESCO's principles of authenticity and integrity about the World Heritage sites, the core scenic area of the Lingqu Canal will be renovated. Furthermore, efforts will be made to organize high-profile cultural forums and festivals related to the canal, making it a symbol of Guilin as a world-class tourist city.

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