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Guilin Arts Festival promotes Gui Opera's Legacy


The Guangxi Provincial Art Gallery, located in Guilin, is an architecturally-significant building that hosted the "Southwest Drama Exhibition." From Oct 27 to Nov 5, 2023, the Guilin Arts Festival took place here, showcasing the theatrical cultural charm of Guilin, the birthplace of Gui Opera.

Gui Opera originated over 300 years ago during the late Ming and early Qing dynasties (1600-1644 AD). It is a local opera popular in places like Guilin and Liuzhou. In recent years, Gui Opera has seen innovative development, with the Guilin Center of Theater Research producing outstanding works such as "Breaking Array Song" and "Yangexing", incorporating modern elements like electronic sound and symphonic music into their performances.

Guangxi Theater also strives to preserve and promote local opera. Currently, it has accumulated, restored, and preserved109 traditional extracts of local opera and over 20 traditional repertoires. Guangxi's local opera is welcomed in ASEAN countries and overseas, and has made many achievements overseas.

Guangxi has long promoted local dramas in ASEAN countries under the brand name "Liu Sanjie." When visiting Cambodia, Singapore, and other ASEAN countries for exchange performances, they invite the locally-selected "Liu Sanjie" to perform alongside Guangxi's "Liu Sanjie," receiving widespread acclaim from local audiences.

Long Qian, the chancellor of Guangxi Theatre, believes that the preservation of Gui Opera can only be achieved through continuous performances.

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